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About us


The Digital Creation Laboratory is a space dedicated to creativity, experimentation and multidisciplinary collaboration in the field of digital arts and multimedia with a view to creating, training and research in the intersection between art, science and technology.

The digital creative laboratory is an open space where creators, artists and even curious people can find support to develop their projects, share knowledge with others with similar interests, establish contacts, form teams and collaborate.

LCD Porto organizes workshops, classes, meetings, residences, creation and experimentation laboratories, shows and other training activities, research, study and creation.

The Digital Creation Laboratory is a project managed by Audience Zero – Cultural Association which has two other laboratories, altlab and xda, in Lisbon and Coimbra, respectively.

Commitment to Knowledge

Our main mission is to promote access to knowledge and encourage its sharing. We believe that the more people have access to knowledge, the better the conditions will be for others to access and share it as well. For this reason, we do not want financial difficulties to be an obstacle for those who are eager to learn. This is our Commitment to Knowledge.

Activities that are properly marked always have some spots at reduced prices for those who cannot afford the full price. If you are interested, get in touch and tell us which activity interests you, as we are quick to respond.

Our library
Um espaço aberto para Criação